
Not one to shy away from admiring my own words, I’ve probably already spent far too much time combing through the fourteen months of archived stuff on TGOB to pull out the pieces I like best and make them accessible from the home page.

They’re now over on the left of the screen in three categories of “Pages” — Fiction, Selected Non-Fiction, and Selected Essays and Other Short Pieces.  I have no idea whether blog readers ever go exploring the underbrush, but if anyone has such an inclination, now it’s easy.  Pick a title on any of those three pages and click it.  Voila!  A new piece to read.  (Or re-read, as the case may be.)  They’re not in any particular order, so you can start anywhere.  Or decide not to start at all, and wait for something new.

Which should be coming up any day now. Just give me a breather.  I hate housework almost more than anything, and this job was no exception. I’m so glad it’s done.  Tell me what you think….

9 thoughts on “ENOUGH CLEANING UP!

    • Well gosh, golly, gee, Kate! Alas, I’m afraid your hypothetical offer wouldn’t work. The only person you can hire for the heavy lifting is yourself, because only you can know which of all the pieces you’ve written you want to highlight! (And after you’ve made notes of those, and their URLS, any typist can do the rest, at a much lower hourly rate than mine!)

      What really sucks, though, is that after all that cleanup, the stats for the last two days show people liking (the neatness of it, I suppose), and also show some views by the curious of all three new pages, but only two clicks for what’s actually on them — and those two exploratory clicks were Bill’s on his iPad, to understand how it worked before giving me a kiss for being done at last. 😀


      • Don’t be discouraged. Someone new will stumble over your blog (or a current reader with time) and will investigate your offerings. I tried to set up categories when I started so people could use that to find the topics of their choice. Since I blog about a wide variety of nonsense, it helps. If you don’t do attics and windows, I’ll pass on your high hourly rate and just enjoy what you did on your blog.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. jmpod

    i wouldn’t know the first thing about how to clean up the blog. i feel grateful that i set up the site and manage to post things there. i’ve not worried about organizing…. and i am all over the place in my postings. do you think organizing helps? i have my doubts. and i have limited time/skills for doing it 🙂


    • I never suggested anyone else should do it. And in doing it, I had no interest in categorizing every piece I posted. (Examples of Pages I didn’t create: My Father’s Memoirs, Stuff About My Mother, Cats, Recipes, Trips to NY, Princeton, Books, Jokes, Things Hanging Around the House, Frivolous Nonsense.) What I was trying to retrieve for anyone who might be interested in reading them were those pieces I hope are publishable in book form at some point in the future, perhaps with a bit more tweaking. Some of them had even been written before I had a blog.

      Will it help? It’s too early to tell what impact it will have on views. (Kate Crimmins recommends not being discouraged and waiting to see.) But it certainly helped me rediscover what I had already posted and winnow wheat from chaff, in the event I ever do go forward with book publication.

      I suppose it also depends also on why you’re blogging. Is it just to let off steam? Or is it to write some things that mean enough to you that you’d like to share them, not just for the couple of days a post is on the home page, but for as long as future readers may find them worthwhile. I suspect you have at least some interest in the latter.

      As for skill, none is needed. Just review your archives, post by post, as you have time, and make a note of the title and the URL of any piece, poem or story you’d like up front permanently. When you’re done, be it in a month, or two, or three, or four, open a new page, give it a caption, type the title of a post in the body of the page, swipe the title, click the link icon, and type the URL of the piece in the window that opens. That’s all there is to it. Then do another. And another. You have forever to finish. Well, not forever. None of us has that. But long enough…. 🙂


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